The bushveld has just now started its drastic transformation from a dry, almost empty space, frequented by fires and wind transported waves of dust to the blossoming lush habitat captured in the many images that all the travel journals depict.
Rain has arrived and the promise of abundance is ever more present. For
most herbivores and omnivores the pantry has however not yet been fully
unpacked and they still take full advantage of rich nutrient sources like the
pile of sour unprocessed maize strategically placed by a hunter like myself. This specific bait was visited by no less than
3 separate sounders in the same night but it’s this imposing Boar that captures
my interest most. His confidence and surety of presence is a trusty sign that
he will be a capable adversary for both hunter and hounds. Physical identifications of his gender are
the pronounced warts on his snout – absent in the sow on his left. Although his
size is larger, this we find is often not the norm with sows regularly weighing
more than the boars – field dressed.
One morning
in the future the keen hounds will be de-coupled onto the scent track, and
should this brute be brought to bay and felled by a hunter, it will no doubt be
memorable and most challenging.